About image
Hello, and welcome!! My name is Lori Witherington (Mrs. Wit to most of you).  I am married and have five dogs. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and studying the Bible, cooking, and arts and crafts.

I am excited about my schedule for this year and look forward to helping you get passionate about a career in healthcare!! I am a registered nurse with a master's degree in nursing education and a background in critical care and geriatrics. I know what it takes to be successful, and I want to help you be successful!! I love popcorn and the beach. In my classes, you will develop skills that will enhance your writing, reading, and computer use abilities. You will also develop medical math skills, a foundation in medical terminology, and necessary healthcare assessment skills.

I look forward to being back at school with all of you and anticipate a great year!! Thank you for investing your time in health science courses at BHS; I appreciate your dedication!!

Mrs. Wit